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Imaging & Morphology
Imaging & Morphology
Morphometry software, Inertial Property Calculations, Bone Structure Analysis, NIH Image.
MORPH - Analysis of 3D trabecular bone morphology Introduction
John Hipp
Software for analysis of 3-D trabecular bone structure.
BSP Equations
Young-Hoo Kwon
Equations for calculation of body segment parameters (BSP) from geometrical models, by Young-Hoo Kwon. Good explanation and many equations, includes references. No software.
NIH Image
Public domain software for processing of medical imaging data.
J.J. Crisco
Inertia Properties Using Green's Theorem. MATLAB code for calculating centroid, volume and inertia matrix from a stack of 2-D contours. Reference: Crsico, JJ, McGovern, RD. Journal of Biomechanics 31(1):97-102, 1998.
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