A public domain 3-D gait analysis package.
ANZ/Telios/Show3D is a 3-D movement analysis & visualization package for PC-compatible computers. Both source and object code are provided.
This software is provided as-is, with no guarantee whatsoever, and is for non-commercial use only (see 'docs' file for details). Comments and questions should be addressed to the author, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
To download, start with these short files:
After reading these, download the other files:
- archive anz_b.zip (800 kB) (781 KB)
- archive anz_s.zip (443 kB) (432 KB)
- archive data.zip (1.1 MB) (1.06 MB)
- archive docs.zip (48 kB) (47 KB)
- archive shw_b.zip (282 kB) (275 KB)
- archive shw_s.zip (33 kB) (32 KB)
- archive tel_b.zip (400 kB) (391 KB)
- archive tel_s.zip (145 kB) (142 KB)
- archive wvogle.zip (145 kB) (412 KB)