Report from Tanzanian Training Center for Orthopaedic Technologists in Moshi, Tanzania
Greetings from hot, sunny Tanzania where we are next to Mount Kilimanjaro. We arrived here on Tuesday, November 21 and immediately got to work on setting up the ISB sponsored gait lab in the Tanzanian Training Center for Orthopaedic Technologists. Our primary job was to install two force platforms in the lab.
*NEW* ISB Membership Services
Welcome to the newly updated online ISB Membership Services. As of December 2006, you will be able to retrieve your username and password, login on the website and access members services.
Past and present members: retrieve your username and password first to login. Simply click “Get Password”, enter your email address and it will be emailed to you.
For more information, follow these links: About Membership and Registration and Renewals.
Member Services now includes:
- Member Directory
- Latest Newsletter
- Jobs
- Data Resources
- Software Resources
Features include:
- Upgraded online registration and payment of dues
- Upgraded online subscriptions and renewals to journals
- Edit your profile and keep your contact details and preferences up to date
We hope to provide members with quality services. Let us know if you have any comments or suggestions.
ISB XXI Congress Taipei 2007
Congratulations to ISB 2005 Award Recipients
Veronica J. Santos: Young Investigator, Poster Presentation
Magnús Kjartan Gíslason: Clinical Biomechanics
Yasushi Enomoto: Asian Award
Kermit G. Davis, III: Promising Young Scientist
Election Results 2005
President-Elect - Walter Herzog (Canada)
Council Members
Maarten Bobbert (The Netherlands) Joseph Hamill (USA)
Jill McNitt-Gray (USA) Karen Sogaard (Denmark)
Alex Stacoff (Switzerland) Toshio Moritani (Japan)
Peter Milburn (New Zealand) Ewald Hennig (Germany)
John Challis (USA) Frans van der Helm (The Netherlands)
Student Member - Cheryl Metcalf (United Kingdom)
Appointed Members
Secretary-General - Julie Steele (Australia)
Treasurer - Graeme Wood (Australia)
Nike Award Recipient
The winning manuscript of the first Nike Award is:
Gait related risk factors for exercise-related lower leg pain during shod running by T.M Willems,