International Society of Biomechanics
Gold sponsor


The Hand and Wrist Biomechanics International (HWBI) had a successful virtual symposium in conjunction with XXVIII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) headquartered in Stockholm of Sweden during July 25-29, 2021. HWBI is grateful to ISB for sponsoring the HWBI program and providing the platform for our scientific exchange. 

The Program Committee led by Frederic Werner, Angela Kedgley Ronit.

Wollstein and Zong-Ming Li put together a scientific program composed of keynote lectures, podium presentations, a membership meeting, an award session, and networking opportunities. The program booklet can be found The presentations were engaging with excellent interactions although some speakers, moderators and audience have to manage the inconvenient time zones.

Inspiring keynote lectures were delivered Kan-Nan An, PhD, Marc Garcia-Elias, MD, and Veronique Feipel, PhD on a history of hand/wrist biomechanics, wrist kinetics and clinical applications, and recent advances of wrist biomechanics, respectively. The scientific sessions cover hand biomechanics, wrist kinematics, carpal bone motion, hand-wrist interaction, modeling, imaging, motor control, hand arthritics, surgical technique, prosthesis, and other hot topics. We selected three Young Scholar Awards -- first place by Vasiliki Vardakastani from United Kingdom by monitoring development in children using hand function, second place by Guido Geusebroek from the Natherlands by investigating force transmission via intertendinous linkages of the flexor digitorum profundus, and third place by Michael Kuczynski from Canada by studying reproducibility of trapeziometacarpal joint angle measurements using dynamic CT. 

This opportunity for mutual scientific exchange and collaboration in hand and wrist biomechanics began by an innovative group of hand surgeons, engineers, and therapists who organized the first International Hand and Wrist Biomechanics Symposium in Brussels, Belgium in 1995. For now, HWBI is affiliated with the ISB, the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH), and other related organizations for synergistic activities. 

Zong-Ming Li, Chair of HWBI

 Contributed by Tung-Wu Lu (Technical Groups Officer)