International Society of Biomechanics
Gold sponsor


Congratulations to the following award awardess of the ISB Congress Travel Grant (CTG):





Abstract title

Kieran Bennet

University of Adelaide

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Micro-CT of the Entire Tibial Plateau Under Loading

Willi Koller

University of Vienna, Centre for Sport Science and University Sport

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Impact of femur length scaling errors on estimate muscle and joint contact forces at all joints

Adam Kositsky

Griffith University

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Passive shear modulus-angle curves are similar in proximal and distal semitendinosus compartments

Maida Ranjbar

University of Maryland

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Biomechanical Simulation of Lung-Tumor Motion Based on Surface Imaging

Matthew Slopecki

McGll University

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Uncontrolled manifold analysis of effects of different fatigue locations on coordination during a repetitive pointing task

Williane Bernardes Valentino

University of Eastern Finland

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The effect of the knee alignment on the knee joint loading during the execution of rehabilitation exercises for knee osteoarthritis

Karine Stoelben

Federal University of Pampa

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Katherine Boyer (Student Awards Officer)