International Society of Biomechanics
Gold sponsor


Dear All,

I am writing this blog in a difficult time. About a week ago I wrote a draft of the blog with an optimistic, happy introduction, but just in this short time a lot has changed. Of course everybody is in some way or another aware of and maybe affected by the COVID-19 virus. As President of ISB I would like to address this issue with the entire biomechanics community. The ISB, as the only comprehensive and international society in the field, supports all populations and encourages academic staff and students to listen to the scientifically based recommendations provided by international and national experts. The virus is causing national and international disruptions previously unheard of. In some countries, entire university systems have shut down, healthcare systems are struggling, people are restricted to their homes and borders are shut. International travel has been reduced to minimal levels. We need a global effort to protect the most vulnerable, to study the virus, and to care for the sick and this requires all of our care and all of our participation. There are no certain prognoses telling us when the situation may revert to normal again, so we all need to sensibly and conscientiously take responsibility to attempt to minimize the spread and impact of this virus. Despite the, in my opinion, considerable advantages of physical meetings, we now need to adapt and utilise the powerful platforms available for conducting virtual meetings for an uncertain time to come.

ISB, like most other societies, international organisations and large companies has not been spared from direct problems caused by the COVID-19 virus. One of the bids for the 2023 ISB congress will most likely be withdrawn and others are having problems. ISB will therefore extend the bid application deadline for the first time to ensure potential bidders have a fair possibility of providing high quality bids for our conference. Many, if not most, ISB members have had scientific trips disrupted or cancelled and the majority of national and international scientific and other events are being cancelled. These include the International Foot and Ankle Biomechanics meeting in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Many other major relevant events being reconsidered are the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, the European Society of Biomechanics meeting in Milan, Italy and the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Liverpool, England. Some countries including those ISB is encouraging to become Affiliated Societies are having serious financial difficulties. I have to admit that, despite the planning for ISB2021 going well, we in Stockholm have of course also become acutely aware of concerns about the effects that natural and other crises can have upon such an international conference.

This issue is a breath taking example of the importance of scientific, evidence based information instead of rumours, false information and fast spreading stories on social media. Please take your responsibility as a scientist to not only provide scientifically solid information from your own research, but also to act as a role model in your reactions to social media facts and to only communicate facts based upon solid scientific evidence. Right now the international scientific community is indispensable in assisting that the measures taken to be able to get through this situation can be efficiently communicated and implemented over the whole World.

I am excited to chair my first ISB Executive Council meeting in conjunction with ISBS in Liverpool soon. However, as with many meetings planned in the next months, exactly how the Council Meeting will be conducted is uncertain.


Please all take care, be safe and encourage and look after each other,


ISB President